December 07 2020 at 03:56PM
Introducing the PMI NS Agile Community
Organizations are embracing Agile practices at a rapid pace. This is true across the globe and in all sectors, not just in technology. Many Nova Scotian’s are working in Agile organizations. If they are not, there is a good chance their leaders are considering some sort of Agile transformation. PMI Nova Scotia stays on top of this trend and has been offering Agile professional development and networking events. We anticipate this trend to continue, so the Chapter has launched the PMI Nova Scotia Agile Community.
The PMI NS Agile Community is dedicated to increasing knowledge and experience of its Members in Agile practices. The purpose of the Community is to provide professional development in Agile, Scrum and Kanban. We want to provide learning for the full range of interested Members, from those with vast experience in Agile to those just wanting to start their learning.
We will kick off with a “Scrum 101” Network and Learn evening (date to be finalized). We know there are many who are just starting to learn about things like Scrum, so we will plan to use this event to give everyone the basics. To assist, we plan to seed the networking portion of this Network and Learn event with seasoned Scrum Masters and Product Owners who can discuss their experience one-on-one. We hope you will join and be part of the learning experience.
We will follow this up with at least two other similar events this year. We hope to have our Second Annual Agile Round table in the fall. We also plan to use this blog to share our experiences each month. If you are interested in participating in planning our events or writing an article, please contact us. We look forward to seeing you at our kickoff event. We expect to have an announcement soon.